I write a lot, but most of it ends up in the trash bin.
I’ve done some wor on a book tentatively called Overcoming Emotional Dyslexia. (Yes, that’s the least creative title I could possibly think of.) Since “emotional intelligence” and EQ have become so obsessed over in society (and even more intensely in the workplace), I am developing a different approach to EQ for the many folks out there who struggle with issues like reading a room, small talk, establishing and maintaining relationships, and more. The title captures my point of view that a lack of EQ does not make someone defective, but indicates a condition that needs to be dealt with using an approach that recognizes the condition. Just like we no longer consider graphical dyslexics to be unintelligent, we shouldn’t consider folks with low EQ to be deficient.
I feel like I had to practice for years — and understand the impact on career advancement — before I “got it.” Most people don’t have that level of patience, or frankly, the luxury of time to learn. Rather than fighting endlessly to learn skills and practice them, it’s often easier to learn coping strategies. Just like we no longer consider graphical dyslexics to be unintelligent, we shouldn’t consider folks with low EQ to be deficient. A faster route to EQ means developing coping strategies for the short term, and learning the skills over time. I want to let people know where they’re most likely to fall flat, and prepare for those situations.
As chapters become available, I’ll post samples here.
I write lots of business content – have a look at blog content that I wrote for the Journal of Commerce / PIERS on international trade.
I write lots of snarky essays. So do lots of people. Here are a few of them. Ignore them at your leisure.